As first category we identified the concept of using media as a product in the process of publishing scientific results. For instance, students create a video that represents their research project with the chance of broadcasting their results to a greater audience. These formats allow for more flexibility, as a formal peer reviewed assessment process is not needed in contrast to a scientific publication. In practice, video production are not common. Instead, digital presentation tools are the preferred means.

Dehne, Julian & Nguyen, Thi. (2017). A Model of Media supported Inquiry Based Learning (IBL). 10.13140/RG.2.2.35194.59848.

As the second category we found media as a reflecting tool for the learning process. There are e-portfolio systems at institutions or simple blogs. In both cases media is used to offer a platform for reflective thinking during the research process. The interviews with academic teachers show that blogs are a popular form of reflecting tool.

The third category is media as a planning tool. Similar to the previous category, the main argument is that inquiry based projects tend to challenge the students’ ability to organize themselves. Offering planning tools like a common calendar or a meeting scheduler can reduce factors of failure. The interviews show that online-offline-tools such as Dropbox or Google Docs are the teacher’s ICT of choice.

The fourth category is media as an assessment tool. Since inquiry based learning projects are not as structured as regular course work, formative assessment methods are adequate formats for evaluating learning outcomes. Electronic mini-exams are a way to manage projects that comprise a high amount of students. In practice, some teachers use e-exams or e-assessment tests, however electronic means of assessment are still rare.

The fifth category is media as knowledge management. Wikis and other digital tools are useful in projects that include a big accumulation of knowledge. Organizing knowledge efficiently is one of the key competencies in science that students should practice in inquiry based learning projects. Learning Management Systems (LMS) are reliable in order to support this process, and therefore often used in inquiry teaching. Other identified media categories may overlap with media as a knowledge management, though the process is highly case dependent. Using media in terms of analytic software like SPSS only applies in disciplines that work with quantifiable data. Using media as a means of knowledge transfer is very similar to using media as knowledge management (the creator of the knowledge is limited to the teacher role). It is also dependent on the field of inquiry. In some fields, factual knowledge might not be important. Therefore, digital knowledge management or transfer might not be necessary at all. Nevertheless, electronic texts such as PDFs are highly used in all fields of academic teaching.

The sixth category is media as a means of communication. Email, social media and online forums are most mentioned when asking teachers of inquiry based approaches about employed digital tools. However, this category holds a specific importance for inquiry learning as the regular feedback of the teacher is pivotal to the success of the project. There is also a certain type of inquiry based learning that takes on problems in the industry. Here, the communication with business partners is essential.

  • Julian Dehne, Thi Nguyen
  • Universität Potsdam
  • 2017
  • Inquiry based learning in higher education can be complemented by media ICT tools. However, little knowledge exists on how inquiry based learning can benefit from systematic application of ICT. We propose a model of media supported inquiry learning based on a previous qualitative study. The model was then connected to the findings of an interview study with academic teachers concerning the use of ICT in inquiry based courses. As a result, we present a model that explicate media supported in inquiry based learning environments.

  • Material für den Einsatz in der Lehre (z.B. Arbeitsblätter, Handreichungen, didaktische Intrumentarien) | Verweis auf Plattformen, Anwendungen etc. (z.B. Blog, (Online-)Zeitschrift für studentische Veröffentlichungen, Tools)
  • Datenset
  • Englisch
  • CC BY NC (Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell )
  • Julian Dehne, Eileen Lübcke, Thi Nguyen (2017): A model of Media supported Inquiry-based Learning, EARLI 2017, Tampere
  • übergreifend