• Hermann, A.C., Schaub, T. & Schiefner-Rohs, S.
  • Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
  • 2019
  • In Germany, teacher training is divided into two phases: First, the theoretical, technical, didactic and educational foundations are laid in the university part. In the second phase at school, the focus is on practical training. In the course of this, the so-called theory-practice dilemma (Dewey, 1904; Cramer, 2014) arise, which means neglecting theory in favour of practice or vice versa. An attempt to meet this challenge and to bring together the best of two worlds (a.k.a. the two phases mentioned above) in teacher education is the practical phase resp. the internship, which consists of obligatory (orientational) internships or entire internship semesters during the first phase. These school internships are neither pure practice nor part of university and university teaching. By combining research-based learning with orientational internships, both are interlinked. For this we use the picture of hybrid spaces (Christoforatou, 2011). The questions this poster aims to answer are: How is the internship integrated into the curriculum? How is it didactically modelled, what contribution does research orientation make? How is the relationship between university and school structured?

  • Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag (z.B. Publikation in einem Journal oder Buch, Vortrag)
  • Poster
  • Englisch
  • CC BY SA (unsere Empfehlung: Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen)
  • Hermann, A.C., Schaub, T. & Schiefner-Rohs (2019). The Best Of Two Worlds. School Internships As Research Based Hybrid Spaces Between University And School. Poster at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, September 2019.
  • http://fides-projekt.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Poster-ECER2019-final.pdf
  • übergreifend
  • Lehramt