Amelia's challenge

Collection and data analysis using a new technique unless experience in order to publish a scientific paper:

The first time that I had to introduce a new analysis method in my first year PhD program, it was really hard for me. I was so worried about the collection of the data and related analysis process of this unknown procedures and I felt a little bit lost. 

Amelia's strategy

First of all, I decided to deeply understand the theoretical part of the methods through an individual study moment. Then, I asked my supervisor for some help and suggestions in order to solve the situation and to develop the analysis. My supervisor suggested me to collaborate with a peer, so a colleague from another University with similar competences: it was crucial for me in order to scaffold collaborative moments. We helped each other, we shared competences, ideas and information and we created our coding system to continue the research. After that, for a specific part of analysis, we decide to find a professional advisor, so we engaged an expert in the field, in order to have feedback and practical/technical suggestion. After a first step of analysis, we checked the work with our supervisor: after the check we wrote down the paper and than we activated another feedback and check process. In this way, we created a virtuous network also for future work. 
So if you have a methodological problem, first you can enrich your knowledge, than ask to professionals and expert, share and collaborate with peers and create a network. 

  • Insel der Forschung
  • Insel der Forschung 2.0.
  • 2024
  • Amelia (27) (Name has changed) has studied Pedagogy and Research in Education and is currently a PhD student. Her research topics are connected to teaching, learning and assessment in Higher Education, Academic Development in connection with digital competences and Technology Enhanced Assessment and Feedback practices.In her research projects, she finds that interacting with colleagues, other scientists, and her supervisors helps her overcome challenges.

  • Fallbeispiel oder Praxisbericht (z.B. Projektbeschreibung) | Studentische Statements
  • Text/Textdokument
  • Englisch
  • CC BY SA (unsere Empfehlung: Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen)
  • Insel der Forschung (2024).: Collection and data analysis using a new technique unless experience in order to publish a scientific paper: Studentische Statements.
  • Pedagogy