• Wessels, I., Rueß, J., Gess, C., Deicke, W. & Ziegler, M.
  • 2020
  • Research-based learning (RBL) is regarded as a panacea when it comes to effective instructional formats in higher education settings. It is said to improve a wide set of research-related skills and is a recommended learning experience for students. However, whether RBL in the social sciences is indeed as effective as has been postulated for other disciplines has not yet been systematically examined.

  • Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag (z.B. Publikation in einem Journal oder Buch, Vortrag) | Fallbeispiel oder Praxisbericht (z.B. Projektbeschreibung)
  • Text/Textdokument
  • Englisch
  • © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
  • Wessels, I, Rueß, J, Gess, C, Deicke, W und Ziegler, M (2020). Is research-based learning effective? Evidence from a pre-post analysis in the social sciences. In: Studies in Higher Education. P. 2-15. Open Access online https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2020.1739014
  • https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339887853_Is_research-based_learning_effective_Evidence_from_a_pre-post_analysis_in_the_social_sciences
  • Sozialwissenschaften