Venura's challenge

Conduct research and collect data: In the course of my empirical research, I encountered a significant challenge in collecting primary data to form a representative sample. The primary data collection method involved conducting an online survey, without any monetary or other incentives to entice participants. Consequently, I initially relied on distributing the survey among my acquaintances, which obviously resulted in a sample heavily skewed towards students. This disproportionate representation raised concerns about the sample’s accuracy in reflecting the broader population. 

Venura's strategy

To address this issue, I devised a strategy aimed at diversifying the respondent pool. Recognizing the limitations of my initial approach, I turned to LinkedIn as a platform to engage individuals who were not students. This approach yielded a substantial number of responses from a more diverse demographic. Furthermore, I deliberately gathered as many responses as possible and subsequently applied a systematic filtering process. This process aimed to retain responses that maintained the sample’s representativeness while eliminating any outliers. This approach was chosen because it struck a balance between collecting a robust dataset and ensuring that the sample accurately mirrored the population under investigation. 

  • Insel der Forschung
  • Insel der Forschung 2.0.
  • 2024
  • Venura (32) is pursuing a Master’s in Sustainable Mobility Management. He is currently working on an empirical study as a part of his degree.

  • Fallbeispiel oder Praxisbericht (z.B. Projektbeschreibung) | Studentische Statements
  • Text/Textdokument
  • Englisch
  • CC BY SA (unsere Empfehlung: Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen)
  • Insel der Forschung (2024).: Obtaining a Representative Sample for Empirical Research: Studentische Statements.
  • > 3. Master Semester
  • Sustainable Mobility Management